July 14, 2013

LED Bulletin Board

Created bulletin board using ardunio, raspberry pi, and some programming know-how to create a mini programmable billboard.

The creation of this item started out with a Raspberry PI. With a Raspberry PI, it has an arm processor that you can use a debian based linux called Raspbian. The easiest way to get the OS on there is by using berry boot. Berry Boot is a boot loader that automatically downloads the image of various linux distros and puts them on your Raspberry PI.

After the Raspberry PI, I looked for a project to start working on with the mini computer. Someone had made mention to do a LED sign, so I said sure. But that sounded simple, maybe I should throw in a way to send it messages, and for it to get messages. So I started to look into the hardware materials. I got most of the electronics from Element14 and AdaFruit. Each site had great tutorials about how to get started, and I found out that I would need another circuit to help ease everything. The other circuit I got was an arduino. So all together I got these parts:

List of parts
1)Raspberry PI
3)(4) 16x24 LED Panel
4)some chain cables to connect the boards together
5)Crap load of Legos

If you go to Lady Ada’s site, there is a tutorial of how to connect the LED’s together and even a how to on how to get it connected to the Arduino. After some retooling, I was able to program the Ardunio to control the LED board through a serial port. This is where the Arduino shines, as it was very easy to get communication going for the serial bus. Now that I got the serial portion done, it was easy to create a .Net program, using mono, to display values on the LED sign.

So for now, it works fine, but I plan to use Node instead, to expose a restful web service to send messages and to update the board with information. Here are some pictures:


Here is the server source code for the led sign: server

Here is the client source code for the led sign: client

Arduino source code coming soon.